Philanthropy Summit 2019: Keynotes
Please note these videos should not be shared outside the PNZ member hub.
Various speakers have requested that their keynotes are not to be shared publicly, but are happy for these to be available to our members. Those that are happy to have their keynotes shared, will be made public in the coming months through the PNZ youtube channel.
Futurist Panel: Shamubeel Eaqub, Prof Tahu Kukutai, Matthew Monahan, Rod Oram.
Panel of futurists on people, planet, money and technology
Ani Mikaere Te Kāhui Whakatupu Mātauranga, Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Undoing colonialism to do good: building constructive relationships between philanthropy and tangata whenua
John McCarthy The Tindall Foundation. Responding to the challenge and invitation at Ōtaki – First steps towards a new approach to supporting Māori aspirations
Vu Le Breaking down walls: how charities and funders can work together to end injustice [VIEW PRESENTATION]
Sir Stephen Tindall The Tindall Foundation.
Building trust in the Māori world
Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk The Memnosyne Institute. Apathy is the enemy of peace. Empathy is your power
Anjum Rahman Islamic Women’s Council of New Zealand. Turangawaewae: finding a place to stand [VIEW PRESENTATION]
Jennifer Gill Foundation North. Titiro whakamuri, anga whakamua: looking back to look forward
Dr Jane Goodall Jane Goodall Institute. Rewind the future: making a difference through philanthropy Rewind the future: making a difference through philanthropy